Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

proudly presents

Alyssa's Self-Portrait

Artist Statement:


As far back as I can remember I have not been a big fan of roses. Their smell was too sweet for me and the thorns and the bugs inside their petals bothered me. I just couldn’t understand why anyone would devote entire gardens to these flowers. However, the older I became, the more I warmed to them and I came to realize that I have learned to like myself in the same way. I’m still quite the work in progress, as is represented by the branches in my skin, but I’ve realized that I am one of nature’s great works of art—despite the occasional thorn or bug—and I have always held this lesson close to my heart. I chose to represent this learning process through the mediums of digital photography and Photoshop. The original photo that I edited was taken against a plain white background and, when combined with the white flower, represents the blank canvas that I have been given to work with. The key in my left hand symbolizes the fact that I am growing into my own skin and am happy with that. One of these days I’ll make my peace with roses, but for now I’m glad to be finding my own path through the thorns.

Alyssa's Self-Portrait