2011-2012 Junior Project 3 Documentary Films

For the documentary project, all Junior Freestyle students locate an intriguing location and search within for compelling stories. After studying documentary film form, interview and camera techniques, film students capture on tape important interviews to use as primary research for both their documentary film and their English research paper. This unit emphasizes sound research, "truth" in storytelling as well as argumentative structure necessary for effective documentary storytelling. Feel free to watch other Freestyle student films on our galleries or Freestyle YouTube Channel.

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Please choose a video below

Lauren Salinero
Noah Hoffman
California Cricket Academy
Sonia Tagare
Climbing Over Closure
Dean Rossi
Julia Day
Courage To Grow
Andrew Thomas
Taylor Peterson
Jaqueline Portelli
Yu-Ju Chen
The Cutting Edge
Gregory Manoukian
Lucas Andrade
Food to the Future
Camilla Sol
David Survilo
The Graveborn
Maximilian Carrillo
Vladislav Poposvky
Heavy Metal
Jack Marquez
Jonah Davis
Home Field Advantage
James Brewer
Khan Academy
Courtney Cooper
Paige Topole
Kenya Dream
Janna Wang
Rebecca Walton
Media and Skateboarding
Alexander Walther
Matthew Iverson
The Path to Integration
Hannah Hansen
Nikki Kashani
Saving The Scene
Devan Tormey
Kyle DeWitt
Understanding Hipsters
Ellery Seither
Patrick McClellan