
Here is a scene from my animation!

(Click to enlarge)

Hello and welcome to my narrative website! This is the second unit that I have done this year. My last unit was my self portrait unit were we unveiled a part of ourselves that is normally hidden. In this unit we started like every other unit, in english. We wrote a small story (flash fiction) and took off from there. In fact we wrote a story that was only 50 words long, to practice our writing skills for our flash fiction. A flash fiction is sort of how it sounds, a quick story that is both brief and well pieced together. One of the ways you make a story short is by add less characters and also eliminating too many environments. Our prompt was to create a story in which the main character has an internal conflict, whether it is a change of heart, the powers of love, or the the changing of outlooks. The latter is what my character experienced. If you can’t already tell my main character, valeriana is a complete fasionista, who believes outer image is the real focus of life. But as she discovers what people normally look at, the exteriors, is only conventional wisdom. she realizes outer image is’n as important as the human heart. She realized that she was a snob and a brat, someone people only loved because she had the most cash. She then decides to be bold and change her entire outlook on life, turning her priorities 180 degrees around. Take a look at the my flash fiction on the story page to read the story unravel. want to see my animation in preproduction form? Go to my animatic page. I have my animation of course, and I also have a character portrait that depicts what my character would look if she was a real person.

Here is a scene from my animation!

(Click to enlarge)

I created this website, my animation and animatic in web audio class. There we learned to use things such as Adobe flash and perfected our illustrator skills in web audio. In design we took a photograph of a person portraying our character in our animation. in english we wrote a flash fiction, a quick story that is both brief and well pieced together. It had to be a minimum of 500 words but under 700. It also had to include an internal conflict and take place in one day.

Please enjoy!

 To silence or quiet the music, please use the controls to the left


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