Hello, reader, and welcome to my Documentary Website! I am your host, Maxwell James Evans, and I will direct you around my website, which was my third project during Junior year at my stay at Freestyle Academy. This project, which is just what it sounds like, is a documentary about a place of our choice. This place needs to have a hidden story that we Freestyle students can explore and write about. This hidden story must also relate to something else much bigger in the world. For my project, I chose FiT, a residential gym that I attend twice a week. The hidden story about this place is how it started, and the bigger issue I discuss is that of health, fitness problems, and happiness. To see more about what I talked about, click on some of the tabs above to explore the project as a whole.

In each of my Freestyle classes, we were asked to complete many different tasks. For English, we had to write a 6-8 page paper on the topic of our choosing. This was the basis for everything else we did for this project, as the paper was what we made a book into, and later a website. If you want to view the paper, click the 'Paper' tab at the top. For my design class, we were asked to create a book. This book would have our paper pasted into it, along with several pictures of our location as well as many different design elements we have learned throughout the year. If you wish to view the book, click the 'Book' tab at the top. Finally, in my Web/Audio class, we created the very website you are on right now. This website would contain everything we had worked on for the entire project. Overall, I would say that I learned a whole lot about certain programs, such as Pro Tools and Dreamweaver. In English, I learned to do my projects on time. In design, I learned a ton on Adobe InDesign. And finally, I learned a lot about Dreamweaver and how to create music in Pro Tools.

In my Web/Audio class, we spent a lot of time learning how to make music in programs like Pro Tools and Reason. These tools were very valuable in creating the audio you hear now. .While I didn't do a whole lot with my project involving Reason or Pro Tools, I still learned a lot of information that I'm sure I will use in my later projects. To mute or play the music playing, use the audio controls at the top.