Rachel Michaels

Welcome to my Project Information Page! This is the hub for all my projects at the Freestyle Academy for Communication Arts & Technology. To view my work for each unit, please click on the appropriate button to the left. There will be a description of the project for that unit, a screenshot of my website as well as a button that links to the corresponding website. My time at Freestyle has been filled with risk-taking, new discoveries and innovation. Every project we do at Freestyle is relative in all our classes. We begin by forming a concept in English, then making it into a digital, graphic design art piece in Design and lastly displaying all of it on our websites that are produced in Web/Audio. Spanning my two years at Freestyle, I have learned how to capture and display my unique voice with the help of Adobe applications such as: Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom and InDesign, in addition to several digital music generators like Pro Tools and Reason.


Welcome to my Self-Portrait section! The purpose of the Self-Portrait unit at Freestyle is to integrate our new knowledge of communication arts and technology as well as address the question, “Who am I?” This unit consisted of writing a personal poem in English class, photographing and editing two images to create a diptych in Design class and lastly creating a website to display our work in Web/Audio. We also experimented with podcasts, rollover buttons and much more in this first project. This is the first website I created and it was much more difficult than I expected. I spent countless hours working on this website, but I am so proud of the outcome. There was a very steep learning curve as far as web design goes, but when I view my website, I think back to how much I learned in such a short amount of time and how far I’be come today. To view my work, please click on the button below to view my website. Happy exploring!

Welcome to my Narrative section! The purpose of the Narrative Unit at Freestyle is to continue our exploration of new technology as well as creatively answer the question, “How well can you visually tell a structured story?” This unit required us to compose a fictional short story in English class, stage a character portrait in Design and lastly create a website that showcased all our work. What I found truly challenging about this unit was figuring out a way to voice a new, creative story, without sounding cliche or trite. This was nicely juxtaposed with my love for photographing my character! It was such a fun and playful photo shoot with one of my close friends and I hope that feeling resonates in the image. Please click on the button below to view my website. Happy exploring!
Welcome to my Documentary section! The purpose of the Documentary unit at Freestyle is to locate an intriguing location, sharpen our research journalism skills and answer the question, “How do you authentically portray the untold stories of your community?” We were asked to write a thorough research paper in English, publish a book complete with text and original photographs as well as a website and audio slideshow in Web/Audio. While this was by far the most intensive and demanding project at Freestyle thus far, it was the most rewarding project I’be created. I decided to do my documentary on the Rengstorff House in Mountain View. The R-House currently sells my book to visitors, which was one of my biggest accomplishments this year. Please click on the button below to view my website. Happy exploring!
Welcome to my Experimental section! The purpose of the Experimental unit is to hone our abstract thinking skills and address the question, “How can I use unconventional forms to express myself?” In English we were asked to write experimental poetry (our theme was randomly determined), in Design we created a multi-media piece that expressed a significant meaning from our poem, lastly we created an unorthodox website (aka no rules!) to uniquely display our outside the norm work in Web/Audio. We also experimented with different music styles and incorporated that into our website as well. The Experimental unit was a tricky one for me as I had to push my imagination and thinking to try to come up with the weirdest ideas! I had to maintain my audience’s interest level by keeping my art new and noteworthy, yet still on par with the meaning from my English poem. I loved experimenting with poetry in this unit! Writing is my passion, so it was very exciting to take an unconventional approach to literature and push my story-telling skills to a new place. Please click on the button below to view my website. Happy exploring!
Welcome to my Senior Profile section! The purpose of the Senior Profile unit at Freestyle is to find an intriguing person and research their positive influence on the community. In English we composed a research based paper on our unique individual, in Design we photographed a portrait that captured their personality and lastly in Web/Audio we created a website that showcased all my work in addition to creating a short commercial to “advertise” our individual. I truly enjoyed completing this project because I was able to choose someone that I found interesting as well as had an incredible story to share. I learned so much not only about my individual’s work, but also about life in general; This project gave me a real wake up call that the more remote parts of the world are not like the United States, let alone the Bay Area. I gained a new perspective on my values and realized how much we take for granted every day. Please click on the button below to view my website. Happy exploring!
Music Video________________________________

Welcome to my Music Video section! The goal of the music video unit is to have the Web/Audio and Film students collaborate creatively to create an original music video. The Web/Audio students were asked to record/mix the music using Pro Tools and Reason, as well as individually create a website showcasing the entire group’s work throughout the unit. The Film students were asked to film the video, the video making process, and edit the footage. This was a really exciting unit because the Web/Audio students had never had an opportunity to work with other students, let alone Film students, on a media project. On this website, you will have access to my group’s final music video, the lyrics, my concert poster and t-shirt as well as a photo gallery of my group’s work throughout the unit.

Narrative II____________________________

Welcome to my Narrative II section! The purpose of the Narrative II unit at Freestyle is to see how well you can communicate a dialogue-driven story. We were asked to write the same short story three times over, each from a different character’s perspective, and then ultimately choose one perspective to animate. In Design class, we not only created a book jacket to complement our short story, but also experimented with surrealism and black and white photography. For our Web/Audio animation, we learned a new Adobe program entitled, “After Effects” which allowed us to take our animations to the next level. On this website you will have access to all my short stories, artwork, animatic, and animation. Happy exploring!


Welcome to my Portfolio section! The purpose of the Portfolio Unit at Freestyle is to showcase some of our greatest achievements over these past two years in a chosen field. The field I have chosen to showcase is Writing, so I presented three different pieces of my writing to a panel of judges who critiqued my work and gave me insightful feedback before my departure from high school and Freestyle. The purpose of this website was to serve as a visual aid for my presentation. On this website you will have access to some brief points I included about a creative essay, experimental poetry, and my Profile paper. I had a lot of fun playing with new Javascript to make this website more sophisticated. Disclaimer: There is minimal content on this site as it was meant to support my presentation, not star in it! Happy exploring!