
Hello and welcome to my Narrative Website! I designed this website to resemble elements of my animation by incorporating key colors, such as blues and oranges. Also, one major theme in my animation is decision making, so I wanted to creatively include that concept in my website by making my buttons thought bubbles. The thought bubbles remind me of clouds, so the with the blue background, it gives the website a sort of dreamy vibe as well.

The Narrative Unit at Freestyle is about exploring how well we can visually tell a story thanks to multiple new programs we've learned. For this unit in English, we were asked to write a flash fiction which is basically just a short story about whatever we wanted. Next in Design, we were asked to compose a "Character Portrait" which is a photograph of our main character using three-point lighting techniques. Lastly in Web/Audio class, we enhanced all these projects by first designing a website to showcase all our work and secondly creating an animation inspired by our flash fiction.

The animation was by far the most difficult project I've encountered here at Freestyle so far. We learned a new Adobe application called Flash to animate our illustrations. We were able to draw our animation components in either Adobe Illustrator or Flash. The character portrait for Design was also challenging as we had to try to creatively capture our main character in action while still relating to the story at hand.

While digging around my Narrative website, you should find my animation and animatic which are very similar as the animatic is the rough version of my final animation. My character portrait is also available for viewing (explained above). Finally, if you wish to check out my other websites and their pages, click on the Projects button! Thanks for stopping by!