Colorful pens laid out in a disorganized way
1/320 f5 ISO3200

For this prompt, the goal was to take a picture that shows who you are, without showing your face. I find it difficult to define myself in a small amount of words or images, so I found this challenging. I eventually settled on this photo because I think the varying colors of the pens show how I have a lot of different facets of my personality. This colorfulness also shows how I am a very happy, cheerful person. The pens indicate that I am a very creative person. I love creating things, from drawing to crafting to calligraphy and lettering. Lastly, the layout of the pens shows how I am a very spontaneous person, and love adventure and excitement. At the same time, however, I appreciate some order in life, which is shown in the combination of neat and chaotic in the photo.