1″3 f5.6 ISO640

This was an interesting prompt because we were given a little more freedom with what we wanted to photograph. The prompt was simply “anonymous,” and we were to interpret it however we wanted to. I experimented with a few different ideas before settling on this view of the subject silhouetted in front of a piano. I turned off all the lights except the one in front of the subject and used long-exposure photography to create the silhouette effect. In one of the first few shots I took of this angle, I accidentally moved the camera in the middle of the long-exposure photo. This created an interesting blur effect which I liked, so I played around with that until I settled on a photo I liked. I think the blur adds to the meaning of “anonymous,” since their identity is figuratively blurred and unclear. I also think it adds to the visual interest of the photo, with everything slightly offset from itself.