
For this prompt, we were supposed to take a picture that shows the viewpoint of another person. I took this closeup photo of a footprint I found in the mud next to a bike tire track. I think this is a visually interesting photo with some different textures, which also has some interesting parallels when …

Film Noir

Film noir is a generally darker style, and our prompt this week was to tell a story in this style. I took a photo of the Rengstorff House, which learned has a pretty dark but interesting history. A group of (slightly insane) friends decided they wanted to buy this house, but were short some money, …

Small vs Large

This was an interesting prompt because we were supposed to show the contrast between something small and something large. We had the opportunity to use Photoshop to do this, which I thought would be fun to explore. I chose a photo of the view from the Oakland Temple and a cute house I saw while …

Color Theory

For this prompt, we explored color theory. I chose this photo because I thought it already had some good color balance, and then I used Photoshop color grading tools to enhance the contrast between the dark blue and the dark orange wood of the chairs and table. I think that these colors, being a complementary …

Long Shutter Speed Exposure

This week, we were supposed to take a long exposure photo at night that celebrates the New Year. One of my family’s favorite New Year’s traditions is to have a fire in our fireplace and hang out together in front of it, playing board games and talking about good memories from the year that’s ending …

The Elements

For this prompt, we were supposed to take a photo of one of the elements of our world: earth, fire, wind, rain, and spirit. I focused on the wind in this photo. I took this photo of a windsurfer on a beautiful sunny day at the lake. You can’t actually see any wind in this …

Low Angles

This week, we were challenged to compose from a low angle. I took this photo of a wind pump while exploring a local park. I really liked this photo because it was shot from a very dramatic low angle, taken at a skewed angle to create very interesting visual lines. I also played around with …


This week we told stories with silhouettes. I took this photo of my siblings on the swings and then edited it in Photoshop to give it a slightly vintage look. This photo tells a story of childhood. The homes in the background give the feel of suburbia, and the grainy blue of the sky gives …


This week, we took a photo that shows what we are grateful for. I am grateful for these flowers in my backyard because they bring me joy whenever I see them. I am proud of the work that my family has done to beautify our backyard. I love being outside and I am very grateful …

Rule of Thirds Emotion

For this prompt, we used the rule of thirds to show an emotion. To me, this photo communicates the emotion of peace and serenity. This photo uses the rule of thirds vertically and horizontally, with horizontal lines and negative space that are very peaceful and pleasing to the eye. Blue is a very peaceful color, …