Color Without Color

This week, we took a photo and converted it to grayscale in order to tell a colorful story without using any color. In this photo, even without color we can see the different values of what would normally be very colorful- bright and sparkling in the sun to attract tourists. The grey of this photo …

Who Inspires You

This week, we were asked to think about who inspires us. I chose to photograph my friend Debbie. She was born in El Salvador and came to this country when she was young. Her family has been through good times and bad, but whenever I see her, Debbie is always smiling and friendly. She is …

Fill the Frame

For this prompt, we took a photo that filled the frame with one color. I chose to focus on interesting textures in order to do this. I took this photo of some peeling paint on wood that I thought was really visually interesting. Peeling paint is a common sight, but it is a fascinating texture …

Friends and Family

For this prompt, we were asked to take a photograph that tells the story of someone we know well. I took this photo of my mom to tell a part of her story. My mom is on the sunny side of this bridge, which shows how my mom is optimistic. She is looking out on …


This week, our prompt was to capture reflections. I wanted to capture a reflection in something simple like a phone screen. I placed it on a pretty marble countertop to capture the light of the chandelier. I love the rainbow effect of the light refracting. After taking the photo, I cleaned it up slightly in …

Facial Symmetry

This week, we were challenged to do this interesting Photoshop technique where we took a photo of a face, I used the face of a family friend, and edited it to see what they would look like if their face was perfectly symmetrical. I reflected both the left and right side of her face to …

Your Culture

For this prompt, I chose to photograph a plate of caprese salad. It’s a simple Italian dish that I love having as a side to other meals. A lot of my family’s culture is handed down in the food we eat. When I visit extended family, the gatherings are always centered in the kitchen. I …


The inspiration for this prompt was Exit, along with this quote: “Every exit is an entry to somewhere else.” I thought this quote was an interesting perspective on an exit, or ending, which we usually view as negative. Although it is springtime, going into summer, I took this photo last fall. This reminds me of …


To show geometry, I took this photo at NASA to highlight some of the interesting geometric shapes that are present in the campus’s brutalist architecture. This is a photo of the scaffolding of the wind tunnel, which is the largest wind tunnel in the world. The scaffolding is not concealed at all, which I think …


This photo tells a story of freedom in many ways. There are multiple American flags in the photo, reminding us of all the veterans that bravely fought and died for our freedom. Death is also, in a sense, freedom from the worries and suffering in this world. I think this photo turned out well. I …