Center Frame Portrait

This week we focused on centering our subject in the frame as a way to isolate the subject, with the purpose of creating a feeling of loneliness. I feel that the center framing and the subject’s pose both contribute to the feeling of loneliness. I think this is an interesting relationship between the pretty leaves …

New Beginnings

For this prompt, we were supposed to tell a story of new beginnings. Although it’s still January, in California the flowers have started to bloom and I took this photo of a bougainvillea, one of my favorite of our plants. I wanted flowers to be the subject of my photo because they are a great …


This week, we were supposed to use trash as our inspiration to tell a story or create something beautiful. I took this photo at a farm, where off to the side of the apple orchards there was a pile of raked leaves, discarded apples and broken pumpkins. It was the compost pile, left to decay. …

Balance in Holiday Traditions

This is a photo I took for the prompt “Balance in Holiday Traditions.” Being Christmastime, I took a photo of one of the ornaments on our Christmas tree. This one is made from Czech beads that came from my parents’ Europe trip this year. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is putting up the …

Gift stories

I took this photo to capture the story of a gift. I chose to take a more melancholy angle on this prompt, and tell the story of a discarded gift. Here, the teddy bear is lying a bit forlornly among the ripped-up remains of wrapping paper from Christmas morning. The story it tells is that …

White Balance

For this prompt, we experimented with the white balance function. I was in New England for the peak of the colorful fall leaves, but while photographing them I was always dissatisfied with the way that the colors turned out on the camera, sort of muted and dull. I was playing with the white balance to …

Leading Lines

This week, we were using leading lines to show the concept of infinity. This was a photo I took on a walk with some of my family, among the beautiful autumn leaves of New England. I think that the photo doesn’t perfectly show the concept of infinity, but I like the way that all the …

Love Story

This prompt asked us to tell a love story in one image. I chose this photo because it tells a simple but sweet story of the love between a dog and its owner. A dog is a symbol of loyalty and they are known for their characteristic undying love for their owner. This photo shows …

Weight or Mass

For this prompt, our inspiration was “weight or mass.” In this photo, I chose to focus on the conceptual contrast between the bird and the boulder–the bird being light and delicate, one of the lightest animals on earth, and the boulder being a massive and immovable rock. In this image, these two concepts come together. …

Symmetry Landscape

To fulfill the prompt of a symmetrical landscape, I chose to photograph a symmetrical subject over a still pond. This led to both horizontal and vertical symmetry, with the reflection in the water. I was pleased with how the photograph came out, so I only slightly edited the lighting using a curves adjustment layer in …