Balance in Holiday Traditions

Snowflake shaped ornament made of beads hung in the branches of a Christmas tree with lights
1/64 f6.3 ISO3200

This is a photo I took for the prompt “Balance in Holiday Traditions.” Being Christmastime, I took a photo of one of the ornaments on our Christmas tree. This one is made from Czech beads that came from my parents’ Europe trip this year. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is putting up the tree and getting to help decorate it with all of our ornaments. Each ornament has a special meaning. We get (at least) one new ornament every year, usually a souvenir or symbol of something big that happened that year. We have some from our different trips, one from the year each of my siblings and I were born, and many others to represent different events in our family. In this way, decorating the tree is a special tradition of memories and family connections. I chose this photo because it is well framed by the branches and lights, creating balance in this holiday tradition. This ornament itself is also balanced, with its radial symmetry.