Teddy bear lying forlornly among the bright patterns of crumpled up wrapping paper
1/64 f6.3 ISO2500

I took this photo to capture the story of a gift. I chose to take a more melancholy angle on this prompt, and tell the story of a discarded gift. Here, the teddy bear is lying a bit forlornly among the ripped-up remains of wrapping paper from Christmas morning. The story it tells is that of an abandoned toy, perhaps once loved, but now forgotten in the excitement of new gifts and toys on Christmas. It also tells the story of growing up, how childhood is let go of as a child grows up and moves on to other things.

I like how this photo turned out because of the visual interest created by the colorful patterns of the wrapping papers. It creates an interesting contrast between the cheerful patterns of the paper and the actual meaning of the photo.