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Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

1305 Bryant Ave, Mt. View, CA 94040 T 650-940-4650 x5090
2 Required Classes: English and Digital Media 3rd/Elective Class:  + Animation or Design or Film

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Useful Stuff About:

Commonly Used CSS Styles

Here are some default CSS Styles you should use for ANY web project:

Here are some commonly used CSS class selectors which
-class rules can applied to multiple elements on a page
-can be applied in any combination
@font-face {/*instructions to browser where to find your custom font*/
    font-family: customName1;/*use any name but don't start with a number and don't use spaces or strange characters*/
    src: url(../fonts/filename1.ttf);
@font-face {/*instructions to browser where to find your custom font*/
    font-family: customName2;/*use any name but don't start with a number and don't use spaces or strange characters*/
    src: url(../fonts/filename2.ttf); 
* {
    box-sizing:border-box;/*This allows you to set and border width and padding but the div will retain its set width and set height*/
    position: relative;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
html, body {
header, nav, section, article, figure, figcaption, aside, footer {/*ensures older browsers display these tags correctly*/
    /*DON'T ADD anything else in this selector block - only this property should be in this CSS selector set*/
body {/*these are the 5 basic CSS properties and values to start a website*/
    font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;/*change this for your design*/
    font-size:100%;/*DON'T CHANGE THIS VALUE HERE - you can set font sizes in other selector styles*/
    color:rgba(0,0,0,1.00);/*main text color, default black, change as needed*/   
    margin:0px;/*removes default edges*/
    padding:0px;/*removes default settings*/
    z-index:0;/*stacking order - small numbers a below high numbers*/
#centeringDiv, .centeringDiv{
    max-width:980px;/*optimum width for both desktops, laptops, and tablets*/
    width:100%;/*allows the page to resize it's width to fit smaller devices*/
    height: auto;/*optimum height for both desktops, laptops, and tablets*/   
    margin:0 auto;/*0 = no margin for top and bottom and auto = same margin for left and right*/
    z-index:1;/*stacking order - small numbers a below high numbers*/
header, .header {
    display:-webkit-flex;/*allows elements in nav to have flexible locations*/
    display:flex;/*allows elements in nav to have flexible locations*/
    align-items:center;/*vertically centers all elements in header for a single row of elements*/
    z-index:920;/*stacking order - small numbers a below high numbers*/
nav {
    width:100%;/*change as needed*/
    height:100px;/*change as needed*/
    margin: 0 auto;
    z-index:925;/*stacking order, bigger numbers are on top*/
    display:-webkit-flex;/*allows elements in nav to have flexible locations*/
    display:flex;/*allows elements in nav to have flexible locations*/
    justify-content:center;/*horizontally centers all elements in nav*/
    align-items:center;/*vertically centers all elements in nav for a single row of elements*/
    flex-direction:row;/*places all elements in nav in a row - other option is column*/
    flex-wrap:no-wrap;/*ensures that elements in nav do NOT wrap to a 2nd row*/
.btn {
    z-index:926;/*stacking order, bigger numbers are on top*/ 
    margin:auto;/*IMPORTANT! togther with btn justify-content will space out buttons automatically*/
    display:-webkit-flex;/*allows elements in btn to have flexible locations*/
    display:flex;/*allows elements in btn to have flexible locations*/
    justify-content:center;/*horizontally centers all elements in btn*/
    align-items:center;/*vertically centers all elements in btn for a single row of elements*/
    flex-direction:row;/*places all elements in btn in a row - other option is column*/
    flex-wrap:no-wrap;/*ensures that elements in btn do NOT wrap to a 2nd row*/
article {/*used for the main content area*/
    clear:both;/*clears away and floating or text wrapping*/
    z-index:900;/*stacking order - below nav and .btn but above section*/
section {/*used for the main content area*/
    z-index:901;/*stacking order - below nav and .btn and article*/
    clear:both;/*clears away and floating or text wrapping*/
article p {
    text-indent: 0rem;/*an rem is the size of a letter m relative to what's set in the body css rule*/
footer {
    clear: both;/*clears away and floating or text wrapping*/
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 0.8rem;
    width: 100%;
    line-height: 1.2rem;/*This will help to vertically center the text */ 
    height: auto;
    z-index: 900;/*stacking order - below article, nav, and .btn*/
/*===========Class rules to apply to multiple elements in the HTML===============================*/
figure, figure p, figcaption p {text-indent: 0px; text-align:center;}/*for any captions or paragraphs inside figure tags*/
figure img {width: 100%; height:auto;}/*forces image in figure to fit a specific figure width set with other CSS*/
.clearFloats {clear: both; width:100%; height:0px;}/*apply to div tags - clears away and floating or text wrapping*/