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Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

1305 Bryant Ave, Mt. View, CA 94040 T 650-940-4650 x5090
2 Required Classes: English and Digital Media 3rd/Elective Class:  + Animation or Design or Film

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Freestyle :: Example Photogallery #15

                                                                   All About Circles Photogallery

Preparing your photos to match what the HTML/CSS/Scipts is expecting to find

  1. Duplicate your photos so that you'll always have copies of your original photos!!!!!!!
  2. Crop and/or resize your duplicated photos with maximum dimensions of 1000 pixels in width or height
  3. Move your photos to your Websites/project#/images folder
  4. If you want circular large photos like the example above, use Photoshop Clipping Masks to create the images - watch this video to learn how. In Photoshop, Save for Web as .png files to preserve the transparency around your circular image. Rename your photos in a sequence 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, ...
  5. If you simply want rectangular large photos, rename your photos in a sequence 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg, ...
  6. Copy and paste the codes below

Scripts needed (copy and paste inside <head>)

Check that you only have ONE of each line in your <head> - in other words, don't duplicate any of the lines of code below

<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/minified.js"></script><!--ONLY ONE of these on the page-->
<!--neede for displaying large images in FancyBox method-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fancybox/fancybox.css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fancybox/fancybox-buttons.css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fancybox/fancybox-thumbs.css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/mousewheel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/fancybox.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/fancybox-buttons.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/fancybox-media.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/fancybox-thumbs.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/fancyboxCustom.js"></script>
<script src="/jquery/circletype.js"></script><!--needed for text to be placed in a circle-->
<script src="/jquery/circlePlugins.js"></script><!--needed for text to be placed in a circle-->
<script><!--These are variable that you can change for the distribution of thumbnails in a circle-->
var radius1, image1, container1, angle1, width1, height1;
var radius2, image2, container2, angle2, width2, height2;
var radius3, image3, container3, angle3, width3, height3, windowH=$(window).height();
var circle3Total, circle2Total, totalImages, captions=[];
circle3Total = 28;//How many images in the outermost circle?
circle2Total = 16;//How many images in the 2nd circle from outside?
//Note: all remaining images will be placed in the innermost circle.
radius1 = 210;//Radius of innermost circle in pixels
radius2 = 310;//Radius of 2nd circle in pixels
radius3 = 410;//Radius of outmost circle in pixels
angle1 = -1.57;//Starting 1st image position in circle offset from default 3 o'clock on circle in RADIANS!!!
angle2 = -1.72;//Starting 1st image position in circle offset from default 3 o'clock on circle in RADIANS!!!
angle3 = -1.57;//Starting 1st image position in circle offset from default 3 o'clock on circle in RADIANS!!!
$(document).ready(function(e) {
var textRadius=130;//in pixels
$("#topCircleText").circleType({radius: textRadius});//sets target text in a specified radius circle
$("#bottomCircleText").circleType({radius: textRadius, dir: -1});//sets target text in a specified radius circle COUNTER CLOCKWISE
'padding':'0'//this removes the default white box border around large images
<script src="/jquery/imagesInCircles.js"></script><!--MUST be last in the list of scripts-->

Here's the HTML code

Inside your article or section, copy and paste the code below - change the captions for each photo

<div id="circularGalleryBox">
<div class="imageContainer" id="imageContainer0">
<div id="logo"><a href="/"><img src="project#/images/centerImage.png" width="#" height="#" border="0"></a></div>
<span class="circleText" id="topCircleText">Text along the top of center circle</span>
<span class="circleText" id="bottomCircleText">Text along the bottom of center circle</span>
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/1.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/1.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/2.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/2.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/3.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/3.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/4.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/4.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/5.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/5.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/6.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/6.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/7.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/7.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/8.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/8.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/9.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/9.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/10.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/10.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/11.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/11.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/12.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/12.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/13.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/13.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/14.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/14.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/15.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/15.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/16.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/16.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/17.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/17.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/18.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/18.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/19.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/19.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/20.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/20.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/21.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/21.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/22.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/22.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/23.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/23.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/24.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/24.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/25.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/25.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/26.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/26.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/27.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/27.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/28.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/28.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/29.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/29.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/30.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/30.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/31.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/31.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/32.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/32.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/33.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/33.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/34.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/34.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/35.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/35.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/36.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/36.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/37.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/37.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/38.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/38.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/39.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/39.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/40.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/40.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/41.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/41.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/42.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/42.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/43.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/43.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/44.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/44.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/45.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/45.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/46.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/46.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/47.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/47.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/48.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/48.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/49.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/49.png" />
<div class="imageInCircle">
<a href="project#/images/50.png" rel="imageGroup" title="Image Caption">
<img src="project#/images/50.png" />

Copy and paste the code below just above your </body> tag at the bottom of your HTML code

.fancybox-skin {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); /*makes the default color under large image transparent*/
<!--This is needed for Firefox to properly display grayscale-->
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="">
<filter id="desaturate">
<feColorMatrix type="saturate" values="0"/>
<filter id="saturate">
<feColorMatrix type="saturate" values="1"/>

Here's the CSS - obviously modify as needed

#circularGalleryBox {
width: 930px;
height: 930px;
position: relative;
margin: 0 auto;
#allImageInCircleContainers {
width: 930px;
height: 930px;
margin-top: 0px;
#imageContainer0 {
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
position: absolute;
top: 350px;
left: 365px;
z-index: 400;
#logo {
.circleText {
#topCircleText {
#bottomCircleText {
.imageInCircleContainer {
width: 1px;
height: 1px;
position: absolute;
top: 490px;
left: 470px;
#imageInCircleContainer3 {
z-index: 100;
#imageInCircleContainer2 {
z-index: 200;
#imageInCircleContainer1 {
z-index: 300;
.imageInCircle {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
.imageInCircle img {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
border-radius: 25px;
border: 2px #fff solid;
margin: -2px;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out 0s;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-out 0s;
transition: all 0.5s ease-out 0s;
-webkit-filter: grayscale(1);
-moz-filter: grayscale(1);
filter: grayscale(1);
filter: url("#desaturate");
-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
-moz-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px rgba(255,253,0,1.00);
.imageInCircle img:hover {
border-color: rgba(130,156,96,1.00);
-webkit-filter: grayscale(0);
-moz-filter: grayscale(0);
filter: grayscale(0);
filter: url("#saturate");
-webkit-transform: scale(1.2, 1.2) rotate(360deg);
-moz-transform: scale(1.2, 1.2) rotate(360deg);
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