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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Toby Teksler (2021)

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The product that I chose to do my mock-up on is rocky road flavored soda. The product is basically sparkling chocolate milk with a hint of almond and marshmallow. I chose to market this product for mainly ages 13 – 23 because it’s a caffeinated drink to help them get through the school day. It’s also marketed at kids because rocky road soda wouldn’t appeal to adults as much as teens.

I made my product label in Illustrator using many different tools and techniques, but I mostly used the pen tool. I used the pen tool to make the outline for the mountains and marshmallows, and then I filled those outlines with the appropriate colors using the fill tool. The mountains didn’t look quite right with just a solid color so I used the sponge effect from the effect gallery menu to make it look more realistic. Some of the challenges included making the marshmallows look good, and making the background mountains look right. I originally had all of my marshmallows the same size and orientation, but I had to mix it up to make it look more realistic. I had to adjust the size of the background mountains many times to make them look proper, and I lowered the opacity to make them look more distant.Related website
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