Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Melissa McGregor: A Senior Profile Portrait by Aiden Zucker (2011)

Melissa McGregor is seven and proud of it. Her blond hair is usually kept in pigtails because her mom thinks they look cute. She has learned how to read recently and enjoys reading Dr. Seuss to her little brother Jimothy. She loves the frivolous rhymes of Dr. Seuss because they make her happier than she already is. Her copilot and best friend is Charlie, the white tiger. If you ask her, she will go on for hours about her expedition to Antarctica to save him. Other activities she loves include coloring, dress-up, eating cake, playing tag, and playing with the awesome toy that her Uncle Pedro for her birthday: a slinky, or as she calls it, a sinky. Her optimistic point of view on life comes from her healthy family relationship with her mom, dad, and brother. I employed many techniques to convey the personality of Melissa. The bright yellow background represents her happy upbringing, supportive family, and overall happiness. Her smile and curious eyes also show how happy and excited about life she is. She is playing with the slinky that her Uncle Pedro gave her, and has just finished reading the Dr. Seuss books on her lap to her little brother, along with the help of her stuffed white tiger Charlie. Her baby blue jammies show her laid back personality and the fact that she is seven. She is very saturated to show her bright and happy personality, and everything is bright and exposed to show the all-encompassing scope of her happiness.
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