Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Philbert Hannigan: A Senior Profile Portrait by Lauren Amorese (2011)

Philbert Hannigan grew up in a large, fun-loving family. Now that he is a grandfather he is very family-oriented and active in the lives of his grandchildren. He recently moved out to California to be closer to them. He loves karaoke because the whole family can participate, and his old age hasn't hindered his musical talents. Since becoming a grandfather he is never seen without a smile on his face. The vignette effect and harsh shadows suggest a spotlight at a karaoke bar. The background is yellow to reinforce the idea that Philbert is a happy old man. The blue of his hat and polo contrast well with the yellow and give the vibe that grandpa is a cool guy. He is wearing a hat that sports his grandson's baseball team logo, because he really enjoys attending his games. Since Philbert is looking to the left he is on the right half of the photo so there is sufficient space as if there were a teleprompter just out of frame.
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