Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Orville Wilson: A Senior Profile Portrait by Maxine Tsang (2011)

Orville Wilson is a single man residing in the city of San Francisco. Born in London, Orville got his Master's in English at the University of Cambridge in 1995. He was offered a position at The New York Times, where he worked as a writer for ten miserable years. He moved from New York to San Francisco where he currently works as a librarian at the city library. Like many librarians, Orville lives in solitude. In his spare time you will never find Orville socializing, but he does like to get out now and then to party. He spends mot of his free time listening to indie music, smoking, reading classic literature, or sawing away on his violin. Orville is not a person to ask for help because he is so indecisive he wouldn't be able to decide how to help, even if he truly means well. He also struggles morally; for example, he has tried unsuccessfully to be vegetarian for many years. Yesterday Orville had an issue. He went out late last night, just walking around the Sunset district, where he stumbled upon his greatest weakness - McDonald's. He couldn't resist the sizzling smell of ground beef, and he ordered two McMuffins and took them home. About to take a bite, he abruptly stopped himself; indecisiveness has kicked in. Orville's portrait shows this moment of his decision making. His apparel displays his age and his profession, and his confused expression portrays his inner conflict. The focus of the picture, with the light on Orville's face and on the McMuffins, makes the important features and significance stand out the most.
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