Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lexa Scott: A Senior Profile Portrait by Maya Shaanan (2011)

My character is a twenty year old woman, Lexa Scott, that has grown a tough exterior to hide the problems that fester inside her heart. She is a girl with a wild party side and loves riding her motorcycle around the world. Her actions are not as mature as expected because she lost her mother to suicide as a young girl. She has a strict, older sister who tried to control her and lost Lexa's respect when she saw her older sister hurting herself to try to feel better. Lexa misses the love that her mother should have provided because there has never been a father present in her life. In this photo, Lexa is wearing a black, leather jacket that represents her harsh exterior and her love of motorcycles. Her tattoo symbolizes her Mom and the time that they shared that ended so sadly but that she will always keep with her as a reminder. The gold necklace, her mother's favorite, was given to Lexa after her passing. To Lexa, the wound of her mother's death is still fresh and painful. She keeps every momento and symbol of her mother very close to her heart.
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