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Anthony Griffin: A Senior Profile Portrait by Neil Mallinar (2011)

My character is Anthony Griffin. Anthony is a very intelligent man, given the education he's received, but because of this he is able to see past the flaws in society. He is a vigilante who's goals are ridding the world of evil corporations. He works as a window washer by day because it allows him access to the company buildings that he targets. Anthony Griffin uses his free time at night to plan his missions. He normally targets a building that he washes windows for, because he has access to the building. He drinks a lot of coffee, in order to stay up later, and plans many things at once, which sometimes causes him confusion. As of late, he has started to take on qualities of insanity as he becomes more and more invested in his vigilante ways. My picture shows the current mission Anthony is planning in the background, with pictures of a Wells Fargo building. There is a shallow depth of field and the images in the back are slightly blurred to represent the fact that his ideas and thoughts aren't clear and concise and that they're starting to blur together. The dark colors and shadows cast on Anthony's face shows the illegal side of him that wants to do right but uses the wrong methods to follow through with his thoughts. The dark theme of the picture also exemplifies the fact that he does most of his planning at night. The washing rag on his shoulder symbolizes his window washing job. Lastly, the bags under his eyes and the crazed look in his eyes show his tired insanity, and are qualities of someone who forces himself to stay awake when they need sleep.
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