Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Music's World: A Junior Experimental Project by Alan Enecial (2013)

For my Experimental Design piece, I chose to create a triptych in Adobe Photoshop. In this piece, I explore the feeling of calmness when I am listening to music. For the triptych, I had my cousin, in three different shots, stand on a street. In one shot, she has nothing in her hand. In the second shot, I have her holding a pair of headphones as if she were about to put them on. In this shot, I placed a black and white filter on the background to represent this sort of ''entering'' into a new state of mind. In my third shot, my cousin has the headphones completely on and in this shot, I removed the background and placed a black background with my cousin glowing with a white aura. In this shot, I am trying to represent how I am sort of in my own world when I listen to music. The blacked-out background shows how I really feel like I am alone and that music really separates me from the real world and its problems.

The message of my triptych is that music really helps me as a person both mentally and physically. I can honestly say that music is one of the few things that really keeps me going. I chose to create a triptych because it seemed like the most effective way to get my message across.
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