Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Road to Dao: A Junior Experimental Project by David Smith (2013)

My illustration for the experimental project is what I call ''Road to Dao''. There is a car with all these feelings of a balanced life on it driving into the distance on the freeway. There are those green highway signs saying ''balance'' and ''serenity'' on them showing that this car is heading that way. This shows that when you have a balanced lifestyle you are in a better state of mind. I made the sky somewhat randomly but now when I look at it there is a very calming color scheme, which correlates well with my main theme.

I made this using Illustrator which I like far better than Photoshop. I took pictures from the internet and traced over them with a pen tool to make a really nice looking illustration. Illustrator makes it so much easier to make beautiful art when you are not an experienced artist. You have to make everything on a separate layer, which really helps because its easier to organize and delete things you don’t want. I really like the color scheme in this drawing and the sky happened randomly, but I like it alot. I’m proud of my work and it expresses my feelings in a direct yet unique way.
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