Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Adroit: A Junior Experimental Project by Alex Stuwe (2013)

For the experimental unit in Design, we had to explore a feeling. I chose to explore the feeling of the joy one feels when there is a mystery to explore. I chose this because when there is a mystery that I have the chance to go at, and also the joy I would get from exploring it. I chose to represent this piece by taking food dye and dropping it in water. As the dye plumed out and expanded in the water I put it in front of a light and took up close photos of the dye. The purple background you see in the photo is a combination of green and red dye. I used filters to help add color to my piece. The smaller orange triangle is a combination of red and yellow dye with more filters to bring out the vibrancy of the colors. I put an eyeball in with space in as background to represent the vast exploration that we can achieve. There are so many mysteries in the world that we have not explored and even though we have so many opportunities.

Applying different photo filters to each section of the art piece brought out the colors and made them much more vibrant. Changing some effects on the background switched the color from a bland orange smoke to the vibrant purple smoke. For the orange smoke I transformed it from a dull yellow color to the bright orange color.
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