Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Beautiful Distractions: A Junior Experimental Project by Gilles Laurent (2013)

In this piece I wanted to portray how my day is very two-sided. It can either go very well or very wrong. A great factor that affects this change in my mood is the music I play. Throughout the day a sort of energy builds up inside me and if I don’t have some sort of outlet I become very frustrated. If I don’t play an instrument it tends to put me in a sort of melancholic mood, and it is harder for me to focus on anything. On the other hand If I release all this creative energy it causes me to be a lot happier, and more relaxed.

To make this piece I took a long drive to Westwind Barn in Los Altos Hills to take a picture of this tree. I then added roots using Adobe Photoshop, and used a specific texture to make them look more natural. I selected half the image and made it black and white. For the other half I added Hue and Saturation to turn the grass pink and the tree in a lighter shade of green. For the sun at the top of the image I used the Photoshop brush tool to color in the different colors in the design.
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