Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Breaking Bounds: A Junior Experimental Project by Indigo Washington (2013)

With this piece, I wanted to explore the feeling of joy I get when breaking the limits of creativity set upon an individual by society. I tried to show this in the form of a diptych. On the left side, you will see a nuclear warhead that is supposed to look like a tree, and the leaves and grass around said tree are made out of money. There is also a solid wall and behind it is a smokestack spewing out smoke, then the smoke turns into clouds. This represents the pollution that humans have become so accustomed and masquerade it for nature. The people on the left side are also walking with white canes, symbolizing blindness; blindness to all of the things wrong with society and they just go along with it. On the right side, there is an explosion of color and the people are no longer carrying canes. They now have color and they are starting to run, which is a rebellion towards the society to the left.

To make this, I used Adobe Illustrator to draw everything, and then I made it into a diptych. I also used one of the scanners to scan in money, then I placed them around the warhead that I drew.
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