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Autumn Rising: A Junior Experimental Project by Jordan Albert (2013)

This assignment was around the feeling of autonomy. For those of you that don’t know what autonomy is, it is the ability to self rule, and to be a self sufficient being. I get this feeling as my parents hold no trust in me, and believe that if I can’t prove myself to them, I’ll be nothing. What they don’t understand however, is that you must learn to become self sufficient, and this will happen through learning and making mistakes along the way. Being babied your entire life does not help, which I have tried to convey to them for some time now.

The rock represents the cliche saying of hitting rock bottom. However, this is a very minor piece. The rock does represent that statement, yet it has wings and is flying up which creates a very contradictory piece. This combined imagery of the rock and its wings supplies the idea of redemption, or a second chance. The hand is a gatekeeper, and tries to bring the rock down, yet it escapes this time. The tree is orange as orange represents optimism, and the leaves are to show the large bundles and attempts of the rock trying to redeem what it has lost.
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