Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Looking Out: A Junior Experimental Project by Alina Legay (2013)

For my experimental art, I decided to portray the stresses that a teenager has to face. Since we are nearing the end of the year, I thought that this would be a good time to show all of this. I wanted to take a picture of a girl looking out into the sky. In the sky I put pictures of different things could possibly add more stress on teenagers. For example, college, money, peer pressure, friends, parents, and relationships.

To make my experimental art piece, I went up to a local water tower in the evening and took a picture of my friend standing at the end of a cliff looking up. I turned my camera on and used a long shutter speed with a manual focus because it was dark. After I took my picture I put it into Photoshop and traced little images that have to do with stress. I later placed them on top of my original photo and it was done!
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