Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Road of Relationships: A Junior Experimental Project by Madelyn Cook (2013)

For the Experimental Unit, I decided to explore the feeling of excitement and adventure one experiences in forming new friendships and relationships. I created a road, which is supposed to represent the future, and going down your chosen path together. It represents the time one shares with their new friend, and how they have their entire relationship ahead of them. I chose to include signs along the road, to show that new relationships are filled with excitement and attractions, and that having someone by your side can make your life more interesting. The colors of the entire piece are very bright in order to represent the positivity and excitement that comes with forming new relationships. It is so exciting to find someone who you can get along with and share your interests with, and I wanted to represent the thrill of that by making the entire piece very bright and colorful.

In order to create this piece, I used construction paper to create the scene by cutting out the road and clouds. Then I tore the paper to create the rough edges of the mountains as well as the grass along the road. Once I had glued everything down and created the scene, I scanned the paper and opened it in Adobe Photoshop. I enhanced the vibrancy and the saturation, so that the colors were all extremely bright and stood out. I then added the signs on by finding images and placing them along the road. Finally, I used the marker tool to create the posts for the signs, so that their edges would be softer and look as if they were going into the grass. I’m very proud with how this piece turned out. It is simple, yet effective.
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