Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Contrast: A Junior Experimental Project by Nicole Falsetti (2013)

In this piece, I attempted to depict how one can find light in darkness. Through the black and white photography I was trying to show the darkness. The objects within each photograph symbolize a break from the darkness. The colorful swirls and patterns on top of the photograph are the light that transforms the darkness. I wanted to detach the black and white photography by using another element of design by painting on top of the photographs.

I did so, by taking photos of three items, all very simple. I proceeded to change the filter of these three photos to black and white and put them in a triptych. I then, printed this piece and drew stylistic swirls over the piece using paint pens. Experimental art gave me a chance to access a more creative, less organized, transcendental state of mind, and I found it very enjoyable.
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