Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Weak Signal: A Junior Experimental Project by Cameron Fukuyama (2013)

I explored the feeling you get of growing up or maturing from an isolated personal perspective compared to the perspectives of the people around you. The idea was to try to get across the lack of change someone might feel when growing older when their psychological development does not match their physical development. To me, this is most apparent when I hear family friends remark about how large I have grown in the year they haven’t seen me. Nothing seems too different from my perspective because the change is always gradual and had I no external means of measuring my growth I might always feel the same age forever.

In my art piece I choose to tried to invoke this feeling by showing a person with the different stages of his life all sitting on a couch to represent this sense of stagnant development and consistency. The television displaying the evolutionary stages is meant to suggest that the sense of progression as a forced realization. I used the torn construction paper texture to convey a juvenile tone that is slowly corroding as a result of growing older and a static texture to silhouette the bodies in order to convey the idea of your perspective of your age being influenced by what you perceive ''age'' to mean.
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