Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mephistopheles: A Junior Experimental Project by Sabina Mori-Sloane (2013)

For the Experimental unit, I wanted to look at how the exploration of religion leads to questions of identity. In order to figure out how this should be visually represented, I focused on how overwhelming it can be to question one’s religious beliefs. I wanted my piece to have many images, which would be put together in a way to confuse the audience. However, seeing ''religion'' means something different to every person; people may interpret my work differently. I created this with the idea that a person is not fully complete until they have explored their religious beliefs, but not everyone will agree with me, or even see that when they look at this. That’s what’s really special about experimental art; someone makes a piece of art that everyone looks at with a unique perspective. This has easily been my favorite unit at Freestyle. I got to focus on something interesting to me while using the skills I now have with Adobe programs.

To create this piece, I used Adobe Illustrator. I traced different symbols and layered them together inside the outline of a cross, and then layered that onto an Atheist symbol and the outline of a face. After that, I took those layers and put them on top of waves. I focused heavily on using opacity to give my work a layered feel, as well as how colors could be used to present something visually pleasing. There were no real challenges while I worked, other than the fact that it took a very long time to trace so many images. The waves were the most difficult part; it was a struggle to get them to align perfectly because each wave needed to be made and colored separately and then put together. Other than that, I had a lot of fun with the assignment and hope that my interest in this topic is conveyed through my work.
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