Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Alien: A Junior Experimental Project by Sheila Ahi (2013)

Through this project, I explored the feeling of strength through vulnerability. ''Alien'' exhibits a girl in black and white, in order to convey the idea that she could be anyone. She is observing the landscape of color that is overshadowing the nature. People feel exposed when placed in an unfamiliar environment, hence her looking nude in the photograph. She is overwhelmed with what she does not know, which is color. Rather than letting it get to her, she still stands, unfazed by the obstacle of uncertainty. Strength comes in many ways, shapes and forms, and ''Alien'' depicts the type of strength in simply being, especially when surrounded by the unknown.

For ''Alien'' I used Adobe Photoshop CS6. I took the photo myself, on my own balcony that overlooks my backyard. The only non-real nature aspect of the picture are the leaves on the top, towards the right. Then, I selected sections of the photo and changed the color hues, as well as played around with the opacity. The hardest part was definitely deciding when I wanted to be finished with the piece, since it seemed like I was never satisfied with whatever I came up with.
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