Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Night Sky Possibilities: A Junior Experimental Project by William Scheetz (2013)

In my Experimental piece, I took a picture of the night sky and then used Photoshop to edit the pictures in different ways. Through my piece, I was hoping to portray the feeling of awe and potential I feel when I look up at the sky. In the top left picture, I did the least editing, and only added a black and white filter. From there I used different effects to portray my message to my audience.

This unit went well for me. Since it was the last unit, I already had mastered many of the skills necessary to complete the assignment in Adobe Photoshop, which made my editing process easier. However, not everything went as well as the editing process. When I was taking the pictures, I struggled to find the correct shutter speed, that allowed me to capture the optimum light while not oversaturating the picture. After numerous picture attempts, I finally got the picture I liked, and proceeded to use it in my project.
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