Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Ninety Nine: A Junior Experimental Project by Chiara Neyman (2013)

My main objective this unit was to explore the feeling of curiosity I get when I investigate peoples’ hidden personalities. This piece was originally a picture I drew of a friend of mine the way I saw him at the time. What radiates from him is contrast--an aura which contradicts itself. Not a symptom of betrayal, but two unique stories; the one he tells and the one I hear. For each opinion of mine, there is another for every other person who sees him for more than his human shell and one more still for every face he gives himself.

The way I created my piece was by photographing a sketch I had done in my little diary, and then bringing it into photoshop where I erased a chunk of the imaged and laid it on top of a photograph I took, the photo coming through the transparent erased sections of my sketch. I repeated this process or erasing and replacing until I was satisfied with the colors and texture. Then I made several more versions and stuck together my favourite four versions for premium visual appeal.
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