Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Urbanization: A Senior Surreal Photo by Jacqueline Portelli (2013)

In my surrealism photograph, there is a HDR picture of a room with an open door and a lamp on the floor. This photograph is accented with warm colors and I applied an oil affect to it to make it appear more dream like. There is also a picture of a stone path that I applied a mask to to make the floor of my room photograph into the stone path. After this, I cut thin strips of texture photographs and put them over the entire thing. I wanted to add the oil affect to the stone and the HDR photograph to make the photograph appear more surreal and together. I thought taking out the wooden floor in the room and replacing it with the stone path would make a ''transformation'' and dream like feel to the photograph. By adding the bright colored texture strips to the photograph, it contradicts with the warm feel of the HDR photograph and adds more contrast to the photograph as a whole. To me, this photograph represents urbanization of cities and the relationship between manufactured products and nature.
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