Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Scary Faces: A Senior Surreal Photo by Jonah Davis (2013)

My surrealist piece depicts the earth orbiting the sun. The sun is a bright pinnacle of light that everyone can see while the earth looks like it is in horrible pain. The sun is a beach ball while the earth is part of a tree that I thought looks very much like a face in pain (it stares at me while I eat dinner). I did this because I think that the world is in a very sad state of affairs that would be relatively easy to fix if people would just take the time to really listen to and work with others who might hold different beliefs. The sun I chose as a beach ball because I think it has many different sides to it. It can burn you, it can warm you, it can blind you, or it can let you see. The sun is required for life to flourish, but it can also be dangerous.
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