Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Wildthing: A Senior Surreal Photo by Noah Hoffman (2013)

For my surrealism photo project I compiled a lot of images that I felt fit together to form an image of chaos as well as composure. The emotions that I tried to evoke from the collage were that despite putting up a facade of coolness and togetherness, represented by the sunglasses, a lot of the time the chaotic and frenzied energy that builds up inside of me forces its way to the surface causing me to become overwhelmed. The Wildthing is a stuffed animal wearing the sunglasses was used because I felt that it was a very interesting juxtaposition. The texture in the background is actually the scratches on an airplane window that looked like a spider web when reflected off of the sunset. Finally the lights in the eyes were taken at a bulb shutter speed and high aperture while I was riding in a car past street lights. I also used HDR photography on the image of the Wildthing, putting three images of the same subject at different exposures and giving it more texture and substance.
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