Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Be Bad.: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by Parker Malachowsky (2014)

Inspired by the artists Tim Minchin and Bo Burnham, I performed musical comedy for my humor presentation. Just like those of the aforementioned singers, my performance included a satirical edge, which hopefully provoked deep thought just as much as it did laughter. I intended to make a comment on the perpetual struggle of the ''nice guy'' (especially when it comes to girls and their infatuation with the eternal ''bad boy''). To accompany my song, I created a satirical self-help poster to guide those unable to catch the eye of that special lady. In essence, if you want to score chicks, you must ''Be bad. Be Chad. Repeat.''

To create the piece, I traced the image of a characteristic ''dude-bro'' using the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. I then added the text with an outer glow to give the piece depth. I tried to keep the poster rather simple and easy to digest so my message was not lost in a web of designs and illustrations, all while (hopefully) keeping the poster visually appealing and humorous.
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