Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Reluctance Through Standing Up for Myself: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Brooke Beard (2015)

I am exploring the feeling of reluctance through the experience of standing up for myself. In my photograph I have one bottle of nail polish that is an outcast and different that the rest of them. It is the same on the outside but on the inside, it is so much different. The filter I put on it fades its color and makes it duller than the rest. It stands in front of the rest setting apart even more. the faded color represents the reluctance it feels to conform to the rest, even though it's completely different. I wanted the background to be simple so the focus could be on the one nail polish in the front.

In Photoshop I practiced making a precise selection using the pen tool and applying filters to the selection. I learned how to edit specific areas differently to add color to enhance my concept statement. Specifically, I made all the bottles in the background more the same gloomy shade to make the sparkly gold stand out, even though it was faded. In my photograph, the gold nail polish in the front represents an outcast, standing out of place compared to the lines all the other identical bottles are in. However, all the other colors are dark and somewhat gloomy. All the bottles being the same represents a conformist society. The gold nail polish still retains one bit of individuality on the inside. The faded look to the gold represents the reluctance that it has to completely lose all sense of individuality, and stand up for itself to be its own ''person'' in a conformist society.
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