Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Chris Watson: A Senior Profile Portrait by Kyra Kliman (2015)

Chris Watson is a chiropractor and an artist who lives in the Bay Area. He’s married to his wife Georgia and they have three girls who have children of their own. Chris’ bright personality makes him stand out from the rest. His ability to relate to his patients on a deeper level allows his patients to feel more comfortable as he works with them to have better health. Chris’ free time is spent time painting and creating artwork.

I took this photo of Chris, sitting down at his desk, in his office to emphasize what he does at his job. My first shot was with a wide angle lens, zoomed out to focus on Chris and his office. After looking at the photo, I decided there were too many objects in focus and it was distracting. So I zoomed in on Chris’ face, which had a better effect for what I wanted to achieve with this photo.
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