Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Junior Conceptual: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Hallie Olson (2016)

Through this piece I was attempting to portray a feeling of adoration through the act of preserving memories. The lines from poem that inspired this photo were:

Button eyes still reflect the love that tingled at my fingertips
and warmed my cheeks

These lines are describing the feelings the speaker is having when rediscovering a treasured object from their childhood.

These lines are describing the feelings the speaker is having when rediscovering a treasured object from their childhood. To show this, I chose to photograph a stuffed teddy bear in a glass case. The case was positioned in front of a collage of childhood paintings and drawings. Put together, these objects are meant to portray how the feeling of adoration is being preserved in the speaker’s mind. The teddy bear represents an object of adoration. It is often associated with fond childhood memories, unconditional love, and comfort. The glass case and glass platform are meant to represent the importance assigned to the object in the case: the teddy bear. Because the bear is well taken care of and set aside in a safe place, we can infer that the bear is considered to be an object of great importance. To bring attention to the bear, I dimmed the colors in the background in the editing process. I also brightened its eyes to make the image seem alive. When taking the photo, I struggled in finding the right angle to take it from. The light was reflecting onto the glass case, obscuring the view of the bear.
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