Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lincoln Left That Day: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Colin Liversidge (2017)

A mysterious man left with few options. A sleazy dad with a family he keeps in the dark. These worlds collide when Lincoln breaks into the dad’s house looking for information. But the keys to the rabbit hole lie in the hands of one girl, the daughter of Dalton Fisler, who Lincoln just burnt a hole through.

My process for making this was fairly simple. I took a photograph of a flare gun that I already own and then a picture of a yard. I changed the yard up to look dark with some day-to-night tricks. Then brightened the windows with the brush tool. The smoke and particles were also done with the brush tool, and look like garbage because of it. I do really like the fonts and grunge textures in the background. It really matches the tone of my short story. In the end, I wish I would have tried to actually find some decent smoke assets. Aside from that, the book cover looks surprisingly good. Not great, but good.
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