Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Melting Fear: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Adam Galles (2017)

I am exploring the feeling of fear through the experience of contemplating the unknown.

My photograph has a solid white background and floor, the center object being the pineapple. both spray painted black. I chose the pineapple and lychee for their unique shape. I spray painted the fruit to make them look like silhouette. To further make them seem mysterious I used acrylic black and white paint mixed with silicone and poured them over the fruit, giving the effect of melting. The silicone makes a distinct liquid pattern which ends up being random and mysterious. I also cut the fruit at various angles to make it look even more like it is melting into a pool of black and white into the background. There are still patches of color on the top of the pineapple to make it look a tiny bit recognizable.

Fear is all about things that we don’t understand. Like in a nightmare we do not understand what is happening and all we can see is silhouettes. The hints of color gives it clues to what it is supposed to be but the rest is up to interpretation. We do not know why the pineapple is black or appear to be melting into plain color. The image is supposed to make our mind wander.
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