Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Burnt: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Talar Sarkissian (2017)

I am exploring the feeling of curiosity through the action of speaking up.

My photograph depicts a box of matches. I shot the photo at a low angle, close up focusing on the matches. The box is left open on a clear white surface where they are leaning in the box except for one outlier. One of the matches in the box is burnt symbolizing the feeling of sharing one's opinions. The burnt match is the one factor that goes against the crowd. Also showing that it is able to light the way and explore new things which represents curiosity.

The black match represents individualism through speaking up. Along with the ability to start a fire, light can give a person the ability to see. Sight itself can fuel curiosity. These elements and objects together show what it takes to stand up for what one believes in. Together both form the ideals allowing for new discoveries to be made and new chances to be taken. My Photoshop process began by adjusting the lighting and vividness of the photo, as well as adding a vignette. In order to give the match box a more used look, I adjusted the grain of the image as well as added more grey tones to the burnt match. Some things I learned while using Photoshop included how important making detailed selections are as well as the idea that it is always more useful to start with a quality image. These lessons helped with the production of my final composition when adjusting the coloring of the black match. At first my selection was not completely accurate but after a couple trial and errors I was able to make a clear selection and adjust what I needed accordingly.
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