Freestyle Academy proudly presents

One Last Excuse: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Brandon Johnson (2017)

My image is of a line of dominos that become spread out more and more as the line goes on. The last domino in the line has fallen over and is a blue color which sets it apart from the other purple dominos. The dominos becoming more spread out represent excuses running out and becoming few and far between. The lighting of the image is dark and unsettling. This gives the viewer a feeling of nervousness and makes them feel as if something bad is about to happen. The background does not stand out as to help the viewer focus on the dominos in the image. The placement of the camera is focused on the fallen domino, which stands out from the rest of the image.

The dominos represent different excuses. As excuses run out, the dominos become more spread out. Eventually, the nervousness take over and the last domino falls over. It represents the pure nervousness that has set in. The purple present throughout the entire image represents nervousness as well.
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