Freestyle Academy proudly presents

NA: A Junior Conceptual Transport Project by Kenneth Sasamori (2017)

The focus of my photo was the movement in the patterns of the roller skates towards my sunglasses. The lighting was slightly blue due to the time of day of the shooting, which helped add to the overall “coolness” of the photo itself. Continuing from the theme of “cool” choose to add sunglasses to my photo because I felt that they helped add to the overall feel of a skater life. The angle I chose is a close-up with all aspects of the photo in focus the crispness of the photo, as well as the realistic look of the glare. I choose skates because I had no other objects within my vicinity and needed to take photos. I had a scooter as a secondary object but felt that the skates were more unique and photogenic.

In photoshop i learned the skills of selection and the fill tool. With selections I successfully inverted selections as well. The fill tool helped remove scratches and scrapes from the sunglasses lens. I also used the toning layer to slightly “tint” the photo more than its original shot to help add the impact i was aiming for. I also applied the fill tool to one of the axles of the wheel as it it was a bit rugged and would prove to be an eyesore in when focused on.
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