Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Cra Skateboard Magazine Meet up: A Junior One Page Flyer by Noah Esparza (2021)

My inspiration for this project was based on a skate magazine I had seen. The magazine was from Thrasher and I loved the way they had created the magazines and how the style was put together for them. Eventually, I stuck with this type of style and planned how I would create it into an event flyer I used inspiration from another skateboarding-related magazine ad I had made a while back. When creating my event flyer I ran into many errors the first one I ran into was figuring how I was going to get my text to fit into the box while also allowing my photo to not be overlapped by the text eventually I figured it out and made the text box bigger and it was then able to fit in the correct spot without overlapping the photo. One thing I would change is the spacing I used for my image as I used a triangle shape to cover almost half the page showing the skater doing a trick which did make it hard to manage the placement of my text. I was very excited to have gotten to do this project as it opened up my design skills for creating flyers which I had never done before. I know that the skills I learned will come in hand later on in my design class and along with other work or even in college. Seeing how many others created their own even flyers really helped me understand that it’s not that easy to create and it takes time and energy to perfect work like this and I’m grateful to have gotten to learn. Related website
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