
Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology
proudly presents


2014-2015 Junior
Self-Portrait Websites

Evening agenda 5:30 - 8:30

In the Digital Media Room, Website viewing on computers

In the Design Room, Art viewing

In the Film Room, Film viewing on computers


Click on each name on the right to see each student's Self-Portrait Website which represents the 1st website created by our Junior students. Features to look for in each website are individualized designs, rollover buttons, podcasts, music, photogalleries, illustrations and other content during our Self-Portrait unit. Students used Illustrator and/or Photoshop to produce their graphics. Websites were assembled with Dreamweaver and formatted using Cascading Style Sheets. Here are the technical and other requirements for making these websites.

Please put on headphones so you can enjoy the audio from these websites too.

To view websites,

  • Click on the Safari browser icon on the bottom of the main screen.
  • To open a new window, press Command and N and a navigation menu will automatically open for you.
  • To close a window, press Command and W
  • To control the volume, turn the volume knob on the blue/beige audio interface box on the left where the headphones are plugged in


Thank you
for supporting
Freestyle Academy!