2009-2010 Junior Project 2 Narrative 1 Films

Based on a short story series completed in English, film students create an original, short screenplay to emphasize character conflict and use of setting. Students learn basic camera, lighting and sound equipment operations and study, through readings and exercises, narrative continuity conventions. Partnered with only one person, students storyboard, locate sets, cast actors, block shots, light scenes and capture audio. These final projects are edited using Final Cut Pro and Soundtrack Pro. Feel free to watch other Freestyle student films on our galleries or Freestyle YouTube Channel.

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Please choose a video below

Bad Tidings
Callie Dick
Kendra Passaro
Boxed In
Jacob Hampel
Melissa Bajka
Zoe Kleitman
Boxed In Trailer
Jacob Hampel
Melissa Bajka
Zoe Kleitman
Bygone days
Catherine Halliday
Julia Mandeberg
Ben Malenka
Layla Kovacevic
Charlotte Lets Go
Alyssa De la Vega
Anya Schultz
Blake Bowers
Rachel Weinberg
Hard Line Goals
Susie Reynolds
Thomas Herndon
Idee Fixe
Blake Thiessen
Tyler Cash
Aaron Breetwor
Haley Teter
Last Night
Sierra Hackney-Miller
Rachel Wood
Rosie Struve
The Fuse Lady
Andrew Haughey
When All Else Fails
Helen Owens
Kimberly Fletcher